
DLM Internal

June 4, 2000

Are you awake during laser eye surgery?

All of our refractive patients are awake during surgery. however we do give our patients a little pill to help relax them so they feel much more at ease and not too anxious during surgery.

Can eyes get worse after Lasik?

The chances of regression after lasik are low, however, in the case that your prescription changes after lasik, you may be eligible for an enhancement.

Can I do lasik twice?

While it is uncommon to need lasik twice, it is possible to undergo a second round of treatment if you are a candidate.

Can I watch TV after Lasik surgery?

The first 24 hours after any refractive surgery its best to relax and let your eyes work. Your 2 eyeballs have been working for you for your whole life let them relax and let your loved ones take care of you. Listen to podcasts, listen to music, sleep in dark room and continue to use your prescription drops and lubrication.

Can laser surgery correct astigmatism?

Yes, in many cases, lasik is a great and effective treatment option for astigmatism.

Can Lasik give you 20 20 Vision?

Here at Anh Nguyen Ophthalmology we like to call it 20 HAPPY. We like to tell patients that they will be what they are with their corrective lenes or glasses. Most patients in our office are 20/20 but we like to say that they are happy with their vision outcome.

Can you be too old for Lasik eye surgery?

Age is not a limiting factor for lasik, however, underlying ocular disease can prevent you from being a good candidate for the procedure.

Can you get 20/20 vision back?

The purpose of refractive surgery is to reduce dependence on glasses and contacts, however, in most cases our patients are able to achieve 20/20 vision or better after surgery.

Can you get laser eye surgery if you need bifocals?

Monovision lasik is a great option to reduce the need for bifocals. This is a procedure in which one eye is corrected fully for distance and the other eye is targeted for near.

Can you go blind from Lasik?

The procedure itself will not cause blindness. As with any surgery, there is a small chance of complications such as glare at night, halos around lights, and dry eyes. After the procedure, it is important to use any prescribed drops and follow all instructions given to minimize complications.

Does laser surgery leave scars?

Lasik surgery leaves very minor scarring that is only visible under high magnification. The minimal scarring does not have an effect on your vision.

Does Lasik last forever?

No, lasik does not last forever. Short answer your eyes will change as we age, which is called the aging provess, it will happen to all of us. Some in our early 40s others may take a bit longer. Depending on the patients Rx, the bigger the Rx the more likely it is to come back as well.

How can I improve my night vision after Lasik?

If you are struggling with your night vision after Lasik, you may benefit from an enhancement or touch up procedure. Some patients elect to wear glasses specifically for driving at night to correct any residual prescription.

How do I know if Im a candidate for Lasik?

Come in for your free LASIK consultation, we will tell you if youre a candidate

How many days rest is required after Lasik surgery?

Its a good idea to take the next few days after surgery off. Take it easy, your two eyes have been working for you so long, give them a rest. Listen to podcasts, music, try not to watch tv let them rest.

Is 55 too old for Lasik eye surgery?

We have many patients that come in for refractive surgery that are on the older side. We offer our patients something call mono-vision. Where one eye is for distance and the other is for up close.

Is laser treatment good for eyes?

Laser treatment is a safe and efficient option to reduce to need for glasses or contact lenses. The chances of infection are much higher with contact lens wear.

Is laser vision correction surgery safe?

Laser vision correction is a safe procedure with a very low rate of complications. The most common complications of the procedure are glare, halos, and dry eyes which can be screened for prior to undergoing the procedure.

What are the disadvantages of laser eye surgery?

There is a small risk of dry eyes, glare, and halos after laser eye surgery, however, a thorough screening before undergoing the procedure can help to reduce the chance of having those complications.

What happens if you blink during laser eye surgery?

The laser machine will automatically stop, the machine is very sensitive. We use a lid speculum and gently keep your eye open while the physician does the procedure. We only operate 1 eye at a time, while the other eye is taped close.

What is the success rate of laser eye surgery?

The success rates of laser eye surgery are very high. They usually range from 96-99%.

Whats the worst vision that can be corrected?

This is dependent on the thickness and regularity of your cornea combined with how high your prescription is. If you are not a candidate for Lasik or PRK, you may be a candidate for ICL.

Who can have laser vision correction?

Laser vision correction is a great option for anyone over the age of 18 who would like to be less dependent on their glasses or contact lenses. A good candidate for laser vision correction must also have a stable prescription and no underlying ocular disease.

Can eyes get worse after Lasik?

Yes. LASIK surgery will not prevent other eye related problems from happening, such as age-related nearsightedness, so it's entirely possible for your eyesight to get worse due to these other factors.

Can I work the day after Lasik?

You can work after surgery, although its advisable you take a few days off to recover. Your eyes will be tired and light-sensitive the first few days after surgery.

Can Lasik give you 20 20 Vision?

Yes. LASIK is designed to provide 20/25 vision or better. However, it is not guaranteed that everyone can achieve totally perfect vision given that everyone's vision impairment is different.

Can you get Lasik If you have astigmatism?

Yes. LASIK can be a very helpful surgery for people who suffer from astigmatism. If you have severe astigmatism, your ophthalmologist may recommend other refractive surgeries such as PRK or ICL that would be more able to correct your vision.

Can you get Lasik in just one eye?

Yes, you can get LASIK in only one eye. Some patients do not need to do LASIK in both eyes.

Can you get Lasik surgery if you wear bifocals?

Yes. The vast majority of people who need both near and far vision correction can benefit from LASIK. Your ophthalmologist will discuss with you your options, such as monovision or correcting for a single distance.

Do I need glasses after Lasik now?

Usually no. Most people no longer require corrective lenses following their LASIK procedure, but this isn't guaranteed. Some people still require slight vision correction to see clearly at certain distances or in certain conditions.

Do you need reading glasses after Lasik?

Usually no. Most people no longer require corrective lenses following their LASIK procedure, but this isn't guaranteed. Some people still require slight vision correction to see clearly at certain distances or in certain conditions.

Do your eyes look different after Lasik?

After LASIK your eyes will be watery (tearing) for the first few days after surgery. Your eyes may also develop what we call an eye bruise (bloodshot eyes) after surgery from the suction that keeps your eye in place, similar to how we get bruises on our skin. Bruising can last anywhere from 1-4 weeks.

Does eye flap heal after Lasik?

Your flap does heal after LASIK, but it does take some time for it to heal. Thats why we ask our patients to sleep and use eye shields for the first week after surgery.

Does Lasik last forever?

LASIK does not last forever, it depends on how high your prescription is. It can come back a little bit over time, which is what we call regression. If it gets to the point where it bothers you we can go back and perform a touch up.

How bad do your eyes have to be to get Lasik?

When considering LASIK, the severity of your refractive error plays a significant role in determining your eligibility for the procedure. LASIK can effectively correct nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism within certain ranges. The best way to determine if LASIK is right for you is to schedule a consultation with a skilled ophthalmologist.

How do you pay for Lasik?

We offer a few options to our patients. We take cash, credit, and cashier check. We also offer our patients financing with Wells Fargo Financing and Care Credit.

How long do you wear glasses after Lasik?

LASIK eye surgery allows people to do most of their everyday tasks without corrective lenses. However, there may be some activities that you still need glasses or contact lenses for. Your surgeon will discuss these with you prior to surgery for a full understanding.

How long does eye surgery take?

The surgery itself can take less than 3 minutes per eye, but youre in our office at least 1 hour. We like to go over all questions patients have for us before surgery as well as all post-op instructions.

How long is the recovery for Lasik surgery?

For most patients, they are functioning normally by the next day. With PRK, recovery is a bit longer and in most cases patients can resume normal activities within 1 week of surgery.

How long is vision blurry after Lasik?

Your eyes can be a bit blurry 2-3 days after Lasik surgery. Day by day it will get better and better. Just give your eyes some rest and let them tear naturally.

Is Lasik cheaper than contacts?

Of the course of a lifetime of wearing glasses and contacts, yes LASIK is cheaper. Some patients have astigmatism and need to wear astigmatism contact lenses that are more expensive than spherical contact lenses. Often patients end up buying contacts, glasses, amd prescription sunglasses as well as contact lens solution. In the end, the cost of all those over the course of a lifetime would definitely be more than the cost of LASIK.

What are the requirements for Lasik eye surgery?

Requirements for LASIK eye surgery typically include being at least 18 years old to ensure that your eyes have matured and your prescription has stabilized. Candidates should have a relatively stable prescription for three years before the procedure. Good general eye health and a sufficient corneal thickness is also important for the laser to reshape the cornea effectively.

What causes dry eye after Lasik?

Dry eye after LASIK be attributed to several factors. During the LASIK surgery, corneal nerves responsible for tear production are temporarily disrupted when the laser reshapes the cornea which results in a decrease in tear production, leading to the sensation of dryness. Furthermore, as the cornea heals, the nerve function gradually recovers, and normal tear production usually resumes; however, this process can take weeks to months. Post-surgical inflammation and a pre-existing predisposition to dry eyes can also exacerbate this condition. Patients with dry eye syndrome before LASIK are more likely to experience aggravated symptoms after the surgery.

What does Lasik eye surgery do?

LASIK eye surgery, short for Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis, is a popular refractive procedure designed to correct vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. The surgery involves reshaping the cornea, the clear front part of the eye, to allow light entering the eye to be properly focused onto the retina for clearer vision.

Can my vision be too bad to qualify for LASIK?

Yes. LASIK can be performed on nearly anyone who requires a prescription corrective lens to see correctly, but there is a limit to what degree of vision correction it can achieve for people with severe prescriptions. Other options such as PRK or ICL may be better in that case.

Will my eyes be dry right after LASIK?

Yes. The surface of your eye will need to heal, which may cause your eyes to feel more dry for several days following the procedure. In the past, it was not uncommon for people to have longer lasting symptoms of dry eye following a LASIK procedure. This is much less common with the current technology, but is still a possibility.

Can I look at screens after PRK?

Your eyes will be light sensitive for the first few days after the procedure, but after that, you can return to normal activity.

Can I wear glasses after PRK?

Yes, if needed, you can wear glasses after PRK and you may need reading glasses as you age, but as your eyes heal from PRK, you may not need them at all.

Can you shower after PRK surgery?

It is important to keep water out of the eyes for the first week after surgery.

Do you have to wear sunglasses indoors after PRK?

It is important to wear sunglasses both indoors and outdoors for the first few days after surgery as your cornea is healing and you will be very sensitive to light.

How do I prepare for PRK?

If you wear contact lenses, you will be asked to stop wearing them for at least one to two weeks prior to surgery. On top of that, you will want to plan for someone to drive you home after the procedure and you will likely need to take 4-7 days off work. Everything you need to know to prepare for PRK will be covered leading up to surgery.

How long after PRK can I read?

Once your vision starts to improve, you can read. This usually takes a week, but can take up to several weeks.

How long does haze last after PRK?

Wearing sunglasses with full UV protection after the surgery can help to prevent haze, as well as using the eye drops your doctor prescribes. Your doctor will give you full instructions on how to prevent corneal haze. If you do experience haze, it often appears one month after surgery and reaches its peak at 3-6 months. It then begins to decrease after that.

How long does it take to recover from PRK?

It typically takes about a month to recover and see the full improvements in your vision from PRK surgery but for some patients, it can take as long as 3-6 months.

How long is vision blurry after PRK?

The vision will be blurriest for the first few days after surgery, but it can take a week or two to reach your visual potential.

Is it normal to have double vision after PRK?

While it's not normal, double vision is possible after PRK surgery. While it is likely to go away as your eyes heal, it is still a good idea to let your doctor know at one of your post-op appointments if you are experiencing double vision.

Is PRK better than Lasik?

Both procedures have very similar visual outcomes, however if you are at a higher risk of trauma or injury to the eye due to your career or hobbies, PRK is a better option.

What happens if you rub your eyes after PRK?

Rubbing your eyes can disrupt the healing process of the corneal epithelium. You will have a contact lens in place to help the eye heal for the first few days after the procedure to add an extra layer of protection.

What is the success rate of PRK surgery?

The success rate for PRK surgery is 95%. That means 95% of patients see a significant improvement in their vision.

Why is vision blurry after PRK?

With PRK, the vision will be blurry for as long as it takes for the corneal epithelium to regenerate. Usually this is anytime between 4-14 days.

Are you put under anesthesia for cataract surgery?

In most cases, cataract surgery is performed under a combination of local and mild anesthesia. This means that, while you may not be fully unconscious for the procedure, you can still follow instructions from your surgeon.

Are you sitting or lying down during cataract surgery?

Cataract is performed with patients lying down in a reclined position. This is to ensure the accessibility of your eye for your surgeon and your overall comfort.

At what stage should cataracts be removed?

Cataracts can be removed at any stage. They should generally be removed when they begin to interfere with normal activities, such as reading or driving. Most health insurance companies will not cover the procedure until the cataract reaches a stage which impacts quality of life.

Can a cataract be removed too early?

No. Regardless of how old you are, if a cataract is bothering you or affecting your vision, it can be removed. It's also always better to remove a cataract before it can mature.

Can I eat before a cataract operation?

No. You can't eat any solid foods or liquids for at least six to twelve hours before the surgery. This is primarily because anesthesia is being used.

Can you wait too long to have cataract surgery?

Waiting too long for cataract surgery can result in negative effects, including a higher risk of complications during surgery and increased lifestyle risks such as accidental falls.

Can you watch TV after cataract surgery?

Most patients can resume watching TV within several hours of surgery. However, some blurriness may occur as your brain and eyes adjust to the new lens.

Do you feel anything during cataract surgery?

No, a local and mild anesthesia is used so you will not feel anything. You will still be awake and able to follow instructions, if necessary, but you won't feel any pain or discomfort.

How do you clean your eye after cataract surgery?

You never want to put anything in your eye right after surgery except for the drops given to you by your doctor. You may gently clean the area around the eye using a tissue.

How long do I have to wear the eye shield after cataract surgery?

You should wear the eye shield while sleeping for at least a week. Your care team will discuss these details with you.

How long does it take to recover from cataract surgery?

Recovery after cataract surgery takes an average of four to six weeks.

Is there any reason to delay cataract surgery?

Overall, it is not advised that patients delay cataract surgery. Studies have found that patients who delay cataract surgery for more than six months may experience negative outcomes, including longer healing times or reduced quality of life as the cataract grows.

What are the side effects of cataract surgery?

Side effects after cataract surgery are usually temporary and mild. They may include blurry vision during the healing process, dry eye, glares or halos, and light sensitivity. If you experience more severe side effects, you should notify your doctor immediately.

What is the average age for cataract surgery?

The average age for cataracts to begin to form is around 60-75, but if you're struggling with cataracts at any age, surgery can be very beneficial.

What is the latest treatment for cataracts?

Laser cataract surgery is considered the most advanced method for treating cataracts. This method offers the best in precision and accuracy for optimal results.

What is the success rate of cataract surgery?

Cataract surgery is the most common surgery in the world, and the success rate is incredibly high at over 97%.

What should I avoid after cataract surgery?

After cataract surgery, you must avoid rubbing the eyes, driving, strenuous activities, or applying eye makeup. Your ophthalmologist will give you complete directions to follow after your procedure.

Why do you wear dark glasses after cataract surgery?

For individuals who experience light sensitivity following cataract surgery, sunglasses should be worn to decrease discomfort. This light sensitivity may be caused by eye dryness or inflammation, known as iritis.

How long does cataract surgery take?

With the latest in laser assisted technology, cataract surgery can be completed very quickly if there are no complications or considerations. The surgical step of the procedure can take as little as ten to fifteen minutes, although you'll need to undergo a short recovery and monitoring period afterwards to allow the sedatives to wear off and ensure you're safe enough to return home. The length of this stage can vary based on each unique patient.

How long after cataract surgery will my vision be blurry?

After cataract surgery, your vision may be blurry for the first few days before it begins to improve. You'll be asked to wear a protective eyeshield especially at night during this time to protect your eyes and allow for healing. After the first few days, you may notice that your vision is much more vibrant and colorful, since cataracts can produce a muted perception of colors. Laser cataract surgery shortens patients healing time. Laser cataract surgery is a state-of-the-art technology that improves the precision and shortens the healing time for a patient undergoing cataract surgery. Traditionally, cataract surgery involves using blades to create the corneal incisions; using a needle and small forceps to create the opening to the cataract; and using only ultrasound energy to break up the cataract into smaller pieces for safe removal. In contrast, femto-second-assisted cataract surgery uses laser energy to create all of the corneal incisions laser energy to create a circular opening to the cataract; and laser energy to break up the cataract into even smaller pieces. We feel that this laser technology is superior to standard cataract surgery because no human can match the precision of a laser! Laser-assisted cataract surgery is also much gentler on the corneal endothelium i.e. the water pumps of the cornea) which translates into faster patient recovery times. Lastly, astigmatism reduction is more precise using the laser compared to traditional methods using blades. Wait a second, I thought all surgeons used a laser for cataract surgery?Contrary to popular belief, most cataract surgeons don't have access or experience with laser-assisted cataract surgery, in fact most are ultrasound-based. The difference is that the laser provides our patients with computer-controlled precision for their cataract surgery. It automates some of the most challenging steps of refractive cataract surgery. This femtosecond laser replaces the traditional hand-held blade to optimize all incisions for enhanced, reproducible surgical results .In traditional non-laser basic cataract surgery, the surgeon makes incisions and removes the cataract using surgical instruments and blades. However, during laser cataract surgery, several of the most critical steps of the surgical process are performed using an image-guided femtosecond laser.

How much does cataract surgery cost?

The cost of your cataract surgery can depend on factors like whether one or both eyes will be treated, the types of lenses used (to also correct astigmatism or presbyopia, for example), and whether you opt for laser techniques. In many cases, basic cataract surgery is covered by medical insurance, but you'll receive a full estimate of your costs during a consultation with our ophthalmologists.

Can cataract surgery be done on both eyes at the same time?

Only one eye is operated on at a time. Once that eye heals, you can proceed to operate on the other eye. If only one eye is being affected enough by a cataract to make you want it removed, you can do surgery in that eye alone.

Are you awake during cataract surgery?

Surgery is done as a Ambulatory Surgery Center (day in day out) surgery therefor the anesthesiologist will inject a little bit of medication to relax patients. Patients are not asleep during surgery and will be aware during surgery just in case the physician needs to speak to the patient.

Are you sitting or lying down during cataract surgery?

All patients will be lying down on a table for surgery.

At what stage should cataracts be removed?

Cataracts are only removed when they are bothering the patient. The

Can cataracts be removed by laser surgery?

Yes, cataracts can be safely removed during laser cataract surgery. To learn more about this procedure and if it is right for you, please contact our practice today.

How long do I have to wear the eye shield after cataract surgery?

Following cataract surgery, you should wear an eye shield when you sleep for about seven days.

How long do I need to wear dark glasses outside after cataract surgery?

Patients will be most comfortable to wear dark sunglasses for the next month after surgery. Your eyes will be light sensitive right after surgery.

How long does it take to recover from laser cataract surgery?

You can expect your vision to continue getting clearer for several days after surgery, and may notice small fluctuations in your vision for up to two weeks.

Is cataract laser surgery painful?

No, cataract surgery is not painful. During cataract surgery, your eye will be numbed with eye drops or an injection around the eye. This will ensure that you are comfortable during the procedure.

What happens if you blink during cataract surgery?

Your eye is held open with a lid speculum therefor you are not able to open your eye. n

What happens if you blink during laser eye surgery?

Accidentally blinking during laser cataract surgery would not pose a problem. This is because the advanced technology used has a tracking system, allowing it to measure the exact position of your eye as it moves. If the laser detects movement outside of its tracking range, it will automatically stop.

What is the advantage of laser cataract surgery?

Laser cataract surgery offers many advantages over traditional surgery. This procedure uses 3D imaging and computer-guided laser to make more precise incisions for quicker, more consistent correction. It is also less invasive than traditional surgery. Overall, the laser option is more personalized to the eye, there is enhanced control and efficiency, and it supports faster recovery time.

What is the average age for cataract surgery?

While there is no “right” age to have cataract surgery, most people who undergo this procedure are over the age of 40.

What kind of sedation is used for cataract surgery?

Surgery is done as a Ambulatory Surgery Center (day in day out) surgery therefor the anesthesiologist will inject a little bit of medication to relax patients. Patients are not asleep during surgery and will be aware during surgery just in case the physician needs to speak to the patient.

What type of lens does Medicare cover for cataract surgery?

Medicare will only cover the most basic surgery, they will cover conventional cataract surgery as well as conventional lens. Medicare unfortunately does not cover laser cataract surgery or any of the specialty lens options.

Which surgery is best for cataract?

Laser-assisted cataract surgery is a proven, safe, and effective option for treating cataracts. It offers many benefits over traditional cataract surgery for those who are candidates.

Will I still need glasses after cataract surgery?

In some cases depending on what type of lens the patient selects they patient will need glasses after surgery. Some patients choose a lens for up close distance therefor the patient would need glasses for distance. Vice versa its patients preference on what type of lens they are wanting and they are willing to give up after surgery.

Can laser cataract surgery improve my astigmatism?

There are specialty IOLs called “toric IOLs” that can be used to correct your astigmatism.

Are lens implants safe?

Yes, the technology surrounding implanting intraocular lenses (IOLs) has been studied and proven over many years, although some types of IOLs are newer than others.

Can a lens implant be replaced?

Yes, IOLs can be removed and replaced if not performing or correcting a persons vision optimally, although this is rarely necessary due to the number and precision of calculations made prior to implanting the lens.

Does lens replacement improve vision?

Yes, the goal of lens replacement surgery is to provide perfect to near-perfect vision for patients undergoing the procedure.

Does lens replacement surgery hurt?

No, with numbing eye drops and the lack of nerves in the lens and cornea, lens replacement surgery does not result in pain.

How do lens implants work?

Lens implants are specially made synthetic lenses that mimic the naturally occurring lens in your eye but that are manufactured to correct misshapen lenses or corneas to help people see clearly at both near and far distances.

How long do lens implants last?

Unless you experience a sudden change or unfavorable vision correction with your IOL device, they should not need to be replaced at all during your life.

How long does it take for your vision to stabilize after cataract surgery with lens implant?

It can take up to a few days to recover, but your ophthalmologist will let you know exactly how to care for your treated eye(s) following IOL implantation.

How long does it take to adjust to multifocal lens implants?

It can take several months to become fully accustomed to your IOL, although every patient heals and adapts at a different rate.

Is lens replacement surgery permanent?

Typically, yes, lens replacement surgery is supposed to be permanent. However, if you do not have ideal vision results the IOL can be removed and replaced with a different one.

What happens if the lens moves after cataract surgery?

In the extremely rare event that an IOL moves following implantation, an ophthalmologist will need to replace it with another lens.

How long does light adjustable lens last?

The Light Adjustable Lens, like any other intraocular lens, is meant to last a lifetime.

How good are the light adjustable lenses?

Light adjustable lenses are more likely to give you the best possible vision than with other types of lenses because they can be “fine tuned” after surgery. They are also as safe and have just as few side effects as other lenses put in during cataract surgery.

How much astigmatism can light adjustable lens correct?

The Light Adjustable Lens can correct up to -3.00 diopters of astigmatism.

What is the average cost of light adjustable lens surgery?

The average cost of light adjustable lens surgery depends on a variety of factors. To find out more, schedule a consultation today.

Are light adjustable lenses multifocal?

No, the Light Adjustable Lens is not a multifocal lens.

What is the difference between toric and light adjustable lens?

A toric lens has a fixed amount of astigmatism correction built into it before surgery based on preoperation scans. A Light Adjustable Lens is customized by your doctor after surgery to correct for the amount of astigmatism that your eye needs based on your vision.

How do light adjustable lenses work?

Light adjustable lenses are made out of photo-sensitive material that changes the prescription (or “power”) of the lens in response to UV light. By using a special UV light machine, your doctor can alter the prescription of the lens to give you your best possible vision.

Does Medicare cover light adjustable lens?

No, Medicare and insurance companies do not cover the cost of the light adjustable or any other special lenses. They only cover the cost of a basic monofocal lens because it is the only one they deem “medically necessary”. They will cover the same costs for the procedure itself, such as the doctor and facility fees, for the Light Adjustable Lens that they would with any other cataract surgery.

What are the advantages of the Light Adjustable Lens?

The biggest advantage of the Light Adjustable Lens is that it is customizable after surgery, meaning that your doctor can adjust it to make your vision as clear as possible.

What to expect after light adjustable lens surgery?

Around 3 weeks after your surgery, we will check your vision to see if it has stabilized. If it has, we will use a specially designed machine to begin adjusting the power in the lens to customize your vision. After the power has been adjusted, the power in your lens will be locked.

What are the restrictions after lens replacement surgery?

You will have the same restrictions following any cataract surgery, such as avoiding strenuous physical activity and wearing a protective eye shield when you sleep for two weeks. In addition, you will wear special UV-protective glasses until your final lock-in.

How is the light adjustable lens locked?

Once your light-adjustable lens has been adjusted, the lens power is permanently “locked” using the same machine that adjusted your lens. Locking the lens is painless and will prevent any changes in the future.

What are the drawbacks of light adjustable lens?

LALs offer many advantages. However, you will need additional post-op appointments so that the power in your lens can be adjusted and later locked. You will also need to wear specially manufactured UV-protective glasses (provided free of charge) beginning after surgery and continuing until your final lock-in appointment.

Who is a good candidate for light adjustable lens?

Anyone can be a candidate for the light-adjustable lens. People who have very thick cataracts, wish to reduce their dependence on glasses, or have had previous eye surgeries such as LASIK or PRK may get the most benefit over traditional lenses.

Are there artificial corneas?

Yes, there are artificial corneas that can be used in cornea surgery. An artificial cornea is known as a keratoprosthesis.

Can a living person donate a cornea?

Yes, but it is not common for living patients to donate corneas.

Can I wear glasses after corneal transplant?

Yes, either glasses or contact lenses may be worn. Corneal transplant patients will need some form of vision correction in the majority of cases.

Can you have a second corneal transplant?

Yes, you can undergo a second corneal transplant as needed. For example, a transplant rejection would require a second surgery.

Can you wear contact lenses after corneal transplant?

Yes, contact lenses can be very helpful after a corneal transplant. However, be sure to follow your ophthalmologists directions regarding contact lens use after surgery.

Do corneal transplants last forever?

This depends on the overall condition of your eye. Some corneal transplants will last forever, however, in some cases patients will need to have another surgery due to transplant rejection.

Does cornea transplant change eye color?

No, a corneal transplant does not change eye color. This is because the cornea is clear and does not determine eye color.

How long after a corneal transplant can you fly?

There is typically no reason why you cannot fly after your corneal transplant surgery. Most patients are ready to resume travel between 24 and 48 hours after their surgery.

How long does it take to recover from a corneal transplant?

It can take up to a year to fully recover from a corneal transplant. However, most patients can resume their normal routines within a week or two.

Is corneal transplant major surgery?

A corneal transplant is a serious surgery, however, it does not require extended downtime or overnight hospital stays.

Are there artificial corneas?

Yes. Artificial corneas do exist and have been used for over 50 years. However, results suggest that corneas from human donors work best for corneal transplants.

Are you awake during a corneal transplant?

Yes. Corneal transplants are usually performed with a combination of local anesthetic and a sedative so youre comfortable.

Can a living person donate a cornea?

Yes. However, this is very rare and usually reserved for patients who need the eye removed for severe health reasons. Most corneal donations come from deceased people.

Can I wear glasses after corneal transplant?

Yes. You may still need corrective lenses after a corneal transplant surgery. Your ophthalmologist can give you the best indication of what to expect from your vision.

Can you have a second corneal transplant?

Yes. Secondary corneal transplants can be effective, but slightly less so than original corneal transplant procedures.

Do corneal transplants last forever?

In most cases, corneal transplants will last for the long term. They can require replacement, however, if the tissue is rejected or fails for various reasons.

Do you have to lay flat after corneal transplant?

Yes. Laying flat on your back for the first few days after surgery can help the graft attach to the cornea. Your ophthalmology team will provide detailed instructions on how long and often to do this.

Does cornea transplant change eye color?

No. The color of the eye is determined by the iris, not the cornea, so your eye color will not change after a corneal transplant.

How long after a corneal transplant can you fly?

It can be unsafe to fly after a corneal transplant procedure, so you should plan your travel for at least two to three weeks afterward. Make sure to discuss your itinerary with your ophthalmologist during your appointment.

Is corneal transplant major surgery?

No. A corneal transplant is a relatively safe and minimally-invasive procedure. You should still plan to give yourself plenty of time to rest and recover afterward, however.

Can I fly immediately after a corneal transplant?

No. It can be unsafe to fly after a corneal transplant procedure, so you should plan your travel for at least two to three weeks afterward. Make sure to discuss your itinerary with your ophthalmologist during your appointment.

Are you born with keratoconus?

While the definitive cause of keratoconus is not known, it is believed that the level of risk someone has to develop the disease is present at birth.

Can a living person donate a cornea?

In most cases, a donor cornea comes from the deceased. However, a donor may be living in very rare circumstances.

Can the cornea repair itself?

The cornea can heal small scratches or abrasions on its own. However, deeper injuries may lead to permanent vision problems.

Can you go blind from a corneal transplant?

In some cases, the body can reject a corneal transplant. This occurs when the bodys immune system mistakenly attacks the donor cornea. Medical attention is needed in these cases.

How long does DMEK surgery take?

DMEK surgery usually takes about 30-45 minutes to complete.

How long does it take your eye to heal after surgery?

It will take 6-8 weeks for your eye to heal following DMEK surgery. It is normal for patients to experience eye redness, discomfort, teariness, and light sensitivity immediately following surgery.

How much is corneal transplant surgery?

The cost of corneal transplant surgery may vary depending on different factors. Please contact our office today for more information regarding pricing.

How quickly can keratoconus progress?

For some people, keratoconus can progress slowly for up to 10 years or more. For others, it can progress very quickly.

What happens if a corneal transplant is rejected?

If a corneal transplant is rejected, then medical treatment or another cornea transplant may be required

What happens if Keratoconus is left untreated?

If keratoconus is left untreated, it can lead to permanent vision loss. This is why it is so important to seek treatment as soon as possible.

Are you awake during cross linking?

Yes, and the crosslinking procedure is painless. You will have to be reclined for up to an hour and a half, but other than this, there is no discomfort during crosslinking.

Can I watch TV after cross linking?

Follow your ophthalmologists instructions for caring for your treated eyes after CXL. Most patients are free to resume their normal activities while using anti-inflammatory eye drops and antibiotics.

Can keratoconus be cured permanently?

No, but crosslinking can stop the progression of keratoconus to prevent your sight from getting worse and help avoid the need for a corneal transplant in the future.

Does keratoconus get worse over time?

In some people, keratoconus reaches a state of equilibrium where it doesnt continue progressing, but others experience worsening symptoms at different rates. Whatever your experience with the disease, its important to have a comprehensive eye exam and diagnosis to determine the best course of treatment.

How do you prevent keratoconus?

Keratoconus is a genetic condition, but other factors such as rubbing your eyes often can increase your likelihood of developing keratoconus.

How fast does keratoconus progress?

The speed that keratoconus develops varies for different people, and usually progresses most rapidly during your thirties. The condition often develops over years, usually causing people to change vision correction prescriptions each year or so before an eye exam reveals their underlying issue.

How long does it take to recover from cross linking?

Your recovery time depends on the type of cross-linking procedure that you undergo. You are likely to get functional vision within a week of your procedure, but your cornea will need time to adjust to the treatment over the course of a few weeks.

How successful is cross linking?

Cross linking succeeds in limiting the progression of keratoconus and improving the quality of vision in most patients.

Is corneal collagen cross linking painful?

The procedure is not painful, and the eye is numbed throughout the process.

Is keratoconus hereditary?

Its possible that keratoconus symptoms are passed down from parents to children, but more needs to be understood about this disease before a stronger correlation can be drawn.

Is cross-linking surgery painful?

No, your eyes will be numb during the procedure so you will not feel any pain. You may experience some discomfort after the surgery during the healing process.

How painful is corneal corss-linking?

The actual corneal cross-linking procedure is not painful. However, there may be some discomfort during the healing period following the procedure, which will improve with time.

What is corneal cross-linking recovery like?

Following a cross-linking procedure, patients may experience sensitivity to light, a feeling as if something is in their eye, dry eyes, blurry vision, or mild eye discomfort. Vision will be blurry at first but will gradually improve within 2-3 weeks. Most people can return to normal activities within 1-2 weeks.

Is corneal cross-linking covered by insurance?

Corneal cross-linking may be covered by insurance depending on the type of procedure and the individual insurance plan. To learn more about insurance coverage, please reach out to your insurance provider.

What is Photrexa?

Photrexa® Viscous (riboflavin 5’-phosphate in 20% dextran ophthalmic solution) and Photrexa® (riboflavin 5’-phosphate ophthalmic solution) are used with the KXL® System in corneal cross-linking to treat eyes in which the cornea, the clear dome shaped surface that covers the front of the eye, has been weakened from the progression of the disease keratoconus or following refractive surgery, a method for correcting or improving your vision.

Is the iLink procedure safe?

The first and only cross-linking procedure that's FDA-approved, iLink is a minimally invasive outpatient procedure. Don't risk your vision on a procedure that does not have a proven safety profile.

Is iLink covered by insurance?

The medical necessity of iLink has become widely recognized. As a result, commercial insurance coverage for the procedure is now over 95% in the United States.

Can someone with keratoconus live a normal life?

Yes, someone with keratoconus can live a normal life with the proper care and treatment from their eye care specialist, but they may need specialty contact lenses.

Can you go completely blind from keratoconus?

Keratoconus does not usually lead to complete blindness. However, it can lead to partial blindness or significant visual impairment if left untreated.

How do you prevent keratoconus from getting worse?

Getting the correct treatment, such as cross-linking, from your eye care specialist can prevent keratoconus from worsening.

How serious is keratoconus?

Yes, it is important that individuals with keratoconus treat this condition, as it can lead to vision deterioration if left untreated.

Can I drive with keratoconus?

If your keratoconus is properly manages and your eyecare specialist says that you are safe to drive, then you can continue driving. However, if your vision deteriorates to the point that you cannot see properly, it may be unsafe for you to drive.

Can keratoconus be cured without surgery?

Keratoconus cannot be cured with surgery. However, treatment and surgery are tools to manage the condition.

Is keratoconus surgery painful?

No, keratoconus surgery is not painful because your eyes will be numb during the procedure.

Can keratoconus be cured?

No, there is no cure for keratoconus. However, it can be managed effectively with treatment.

Will keratoconus stop progressing without treatment?

Keratoconus can appear between the ages of 10 and 25 and usually progresses slowly until the age of 40.

Can someone drive if they have keratoconus?

If your keratoconus is properly managed and your eyecare specialist says that you are safe to drive, then you can continue driving. However, if your vision deteriorates to the point that you cannot see properly, it may be unsafe for you to drive.

Can keratoconus be reversed naturally?

No, unfortunately there is no way to naturally reverse keratoconus. Treatment and surgery are the best tools to manage the condition.

What are the early signs of keratoconus?

Early signs of keratoconus include mild blurry vision, distorted vision (e.g., straight lines appear wavy), and increased sensitivity to light.

How is keratoconus diagnosed?

Diagnosis is made through a routine eye exam, where the ophthalmologist will examine the cornea's shape and curvature and may map the cornea using specialized imaging.

What lifestyle changes can help manage keratoconus?

Lifestyle changes to manage keratoconus involve avoiding eye rubbing, controlling allergies, and using proper eyewear, like hard contact lenses, when needed.

What are the benefits and risks of keratoconus surgery?

Keratoconus surgery offers significant vision improvements, but it’s important to understand the difference between corneal cross-linking and corneal transplants. Cross-linking, the preferred early intervention, stabilizes vision by strengthening the cornea and can prevent disease progression with minimal risks like mild discomfort or temporary vision changes. Corneal transplants are reserved for severe cases, offering substantial vision improvement but with higher risks of complications such as infection or graft rejection, and longer recovery times. Promoting early cross-linking can effectively manage keratoconus and potentially avoid the need for more invasive transplant surgery.

Is keratoconus genetic?

Keratoconus is genetic in some cases, with about 1 in 10 people having a family history. It’s also associated with eye allergies and certain connective tissue disorders.

Why are retina exams important?

Many diseases can be detected early by reviewing images of the retina, even if you have no other symptoms present. This helps to protect your overall health as well as your eye health.

Are there side effects of Optomap?

There are no adverse side effects of the Optomap procedure, as images are taken through a non-invasive and low-intensity laser.

What is an Optomap?

Optomap is a digital image of the retina achieved using laser technology.

What are the benefits of Optomap?

Optomap allows your doctor to detect problems regarding your health quickly through a non-invasive and overall comfortable procedure. Images of the retina can also be saved to compare them after future exams.

Is Optomap safe for children?

Children can have images taken through Optomap. In fact, retinal imaging such as Optomap is an important part of a child's regular eye exam.

Does Optomap hurt?

The Optomap procedure is completely painless and is completed in less than a second.

How often should I have an Optomap?

Your physician will advise when you should have an Optomap taken, however, it is generally recommended as part of your routine eye exam.

What do you do when a chalazion wont go away?

The first step is to try to treat a chalazion with medication. If that is not effective, then you can choose to either have your chalazion excised or receive a steroid injection.

How long does it take for an eye chalazion to go away?

If treated right away, a chalazion can heal within a week. However, if left untreated, it can take 4-6 weeks for the chalazion to go away.

Will a chalazion burst on its own?

A chalazion can spontaneously pop on its own and potentially release a thick discharge into the eye.

Do tea bags help Chalazions?

Applying a warm tea bag to the chalazion is a common at-home remedy and by acting as a warm compress, tea bags may help the chalazion drain on its own.

Will eye drops help a chalazion?

Antibiotic eye drops can treat a chalazion and keep it from getting bigger.

Can a chalazion be permanent?

Chalazion can be individually treated and removed, but they may reoccur.

How do doctors drain a chalazion?

Your doctor will numb the area with a local anesthetic and then make a small incision in the chalazion cyst to excise it.

Can Chalazions be caused by stress?

Although there is no scientific evidence that identifies stress as a cause of chalazions, stress can weaken the immune system and make you susceptible to infections such as chalazion.

Can medication help a chalazion?

Antibiotic eye ointments or prescription pills can treat a chalazion or keep it from getting bigger.

How long does it take for a pterygium to go away?

A pterygium will not go away on its own and requires treatment from an ophthalmologist.

What aggravates a pterygium?

UV light is the cause of pterygium, but things like wind, sand, smoke, or dust can aggravate symptoms.

Can pterygium be treated without surgery?

Very small pterygiums can be treated with prescription steroidal eyedrops from your ophthalmologist. However, larger pterygiums are typically removed with surgery.

Can pterygium grow back?

Pterygiums can return after surgical removal, which is why its important to address the underlying causes and prevent further growth.

Can you go blind from pterygium?

If left untreated, it is possible for a pterygium to cause blindness if it grows large enough to cover the pupil. Fortunately, it is rare that someone waits until this stage to seek treatment.

How do you stop a pterygium from growing?

The best way to prevent the growth of a pterygium is by protecting your eyes from sun exposure. This means wearing UV-protective sunglasses, or at least a wide-brimmed hat, when you are outside.

What causes a pterygium?

Pterygiums are caused by long-term UV light exposure. Theyre more common in people who spend a lot of time outside, especially around bodies of water (which reflect sunlight).

What is the best eye drop for pterygium?

Your ophthalmologist can prescribe specialized eyedrops or recommend over-the-counter options. Typically pterygium eyedrops include medications like mitomycin C and 5-fluorouracil.

Can pterygium turn cancerous?

Pterygium themselves are not cancerous, but some new studies suggest that pterygium have a small chance of developing into melanoma, a form of skin cancer.

Can pterygium cause permanent damage?

If pterygiums are not treated in a timely manner, they can grow large enough to cause scarring on the eye.

Do pterygiums go away on their own?

A pterygium will not go away on its own and requires treatment from an ophthalmologist.

What can make a pterygium worse?

UV light is the cause of pterygium, but things like wind, sand, smoke, or dust can aggravate symptoms.

What activities should be avoided with glaucoma?

It is advised that individuals with glaucoma avoid anaerobic exercises such as sprinting, biking, sit-ups and pullups, and weightlifting.

How long can you keep your vision with glaucoma?

Yes, for many people glaucoma does not lead to blindness. Glaucoma is controllable with modern treatment.

Should glaucoma patients wear sunglasses?

Yes, wearing sunglasses is one the simplest ways to ease discomfort caused by glare and light sensitivity.

What is the best vitamin to take for glaucoma?

Vitamin supplements that can be helpful for glaucoma include B1, B3, B12, C, A, and E.

Does stress affect glaucoma?

While stress cannot cause glaucoma, it may affect the way your body works. If you are highly stressed and not sleeping well, it may affect your vision.

What causes glaucoma to worsen?

Consuming high levels of trans fats has been proven to cause damage to the optic nerve.

Does the sun affect glaucoma?

Increased exposure to sunlight and UV radiation may increase the risk of glaucoma and can worsen glare sensitivity.

What are the best treatment options for glaucoma?

There are two common treatment options for glaucoma. One is the daily use of prescription eye drops that reduce eye pressure. Another is a laser procedure that helps prevent the pressure in the eye from getting too high.

How Common is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness worldwide, and about 3 million Americans currently live with glaucoma.

What are the Types of Glaucoma?

There are four major types of glaucoma: open-angle glaucoma, closed-angle glaucoma, congenital glaucoma, and secondary glaucoma.

What are the Symptoms of Glaucoma?

One of the reasons glaucoma can be so dangerous is that symptoms may not be noticeable until permanent damage has been done to the vision. One symptom you may notice is that your peripheral vision, or the “edges” of your vision, begins to decrease.

Is blindness inevitable with glaucoma?

No, glaucoma is controllable with modern treatment. As long as someone follows the treatment prescribed by their doctor, glaucoma does not usually lead to blindness.

What should you not do if you have glaucoma?

Glaucoma patients should take care to manage medications. Many common medications can alter eye pressure, including steroids, Botox, Benadryl, Claritin, Prozac, Cymbalta, and more. Patients need to read warning labels on medications to ensure they are safe for them to use.

What activities make glaucoma worse?

There are certain activities that those with glaucoma should be wary of. When it comes to yoga, patients are cautioned to avoid inversion poses. When it comes to strength training, it ultimately depends on the amount of weight being lifted. Those with glaucoma are cautioned not to lift too much, as it may cause IOP to rise. Glaucoma patients are free to take part in aerobic exercise, as it is beneficial to overall health. If you have questions regarding which activities are safe to take part in, ask your ophthalmologist.

What time of day is glaucoma worse?

Studies have shown that individuals who slept for 10 hours or more a night were 3x more likely to have glaucoma-related optic nerve damage than individuals who only slept 7 hours a night. Nighttime-increased IOP may contribute to the development and progression of glaucoma-related optic neuropathy.

What is the best thing you can do to stop glaucoma from getting worse?

To prevent glaucoma from becoming serious, it is important to first catch it as early as possible. This can be done by attending regular eye exams. Also, be sure to eat a healthy and nutrient-dense diet, exercise safely, protect your eyes from injury, and let your ophthalmologist know about any medications you are on, especially blood pressure medications. Also, if you are at high risk or have glaucoma, avoid placing your head below your heart for long periods of time.

Can computer screen make glaucoma worse?

There is no evidence to suggest that starting at a computer screen is a risk factor for glaucoma. However, prolonged screen time may lead to other vision issues such as digital eye strain or computer vision syndrome.

What should you not do if you have dry eyes?

Living in dry or windy environments can worsen dry eyes, as well as looking at screens for long periods of time.

What aggravates dry eye?

Dry eye can be aggravated by staring at screens like a computer, phone, or TV for long periods. The light emitted from these screens makes you blink less frequently, which causes your eyes to become drier. Dry eye can also have medical causes such as having certain conditions or taking certain medications.

What is a major consequence of having dry eyes?

Having chronically dry eyes can lead to significant health problems like infection, inflammation, and even vision loss. Its best to treat dry eyes as soon as possible with the help of your ophthalmologist.

How long does it take dry eyes to heal?

It can take a few months to recover from dry eyes with regular use of eye drops and lifestyle changes.

How often should I put eye drops in for dry eyes?

You should put in lubricating eye drops (artificial tears) as frequently as needed depending on your symptoms. Some people find that using eye drops only once or twice per day is sufficient, while others find that they need them throughout the day. If you find that you need to put in drops more than four drops a day, it is recommended that you use a preservative free option.

Can eyedrops make dry eye worse?

Using certain types of eye drops too often can negatively impact your eyes ability to naturally produce lubrication. Always consult your opthalmologist for the right eye drops to use and how often.

What is the most common cause of dry eye?

Aging is often the most common cause of dry eye, but its also common to experience dry eyes from looking at screens for long periods of time.

Can dry eye affect your brain?

Dry eyes can cause problems with your vision, which in turn can mean a stronger association with mood disorders like depression and anxiety.

Is dry eye a permanent condition?

Dry eyes can be a permanent condition depending on the cause. If you find that you have chronic dry eyes despite using artificial tears , it is a good idea to ask your eye doctor about other treatment options such as prescription eye drops or punctal plugs.

Can at home treatments such as warm compress help dry eye?

At home treatments, such as warm compresses, can certainly help some people suffering from dry eye depending on its severity. You should always be careful when trying at home treatments because some can actually be harmful to your eyes, such as irrigating them with sink water.

How a refraction test is done by eye doctor?

During the refraction test, you sit in an exam chair that has a special device called a “phoropter” attached to it. The doctor will ask you to look through the device at an eye chart on the wall in front of you. The doctor will then switch between different powers of lenses inside the device and ask if the eye chart is more or less clear each time. Once they have found the right combination of lenses to give you your best vision, they will write those down as a glasses or contact lens prescription that you can fill.

Do they dilate your eyes for a refraction test?

Generally, the doctor does not need to dilate your eyes for a refraction test. However, there are certain circumstances where dilation may be necessary.

What eye problems are detected by refraction?

A refraction test can help detect multiple different conditions that affect your vision. These include conditions that can be improved with glasses or contact lenses such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and presbyopia. They can also help detect conditions that need medical treatment to be improved such as cataracts, cornea problems, retina problems, and others.

Can you drive after eye refraction?

A refraction test will not affect your ability to drive.

What is the difference between an eye exam and refraction?

An eye exam involves the doctor examining your eye to look for any potential health problems. A refraction test only involves finding what glasses or contact lens prescription would be best for you. Many people choose to have both during the same visit, but always make sure you select which one (or both) you would like when you make an appointment.

Is a refraction test necessary?

There are times when you will be required to get a refraction test, such as if you fail the vision test at the DMV. Even if you are not required to get one, having the right glasses or contact lens prescription helps you safely go about most of your everyday activities from reading to driving.

How serious is a refraction error?

How serious your refraction error is depends on how much it impairs your vision and your ability to live a normal, happy life.

How accurate is a refraction test?

Refraction tests, performed by a qualified and experienced doctor, are very accurate.

What are the 4 main refractive errors?

The four main refractive errors include nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and presbyopia. These conditions are common, and the number of people who have them continues to grow.

What will occur if a refractive error is not corrected?

Depending on the type of refractive error, you may find it hard to focus on objects close to you or notice that objects far away look blurry. Untreated refractive errors can result in blurry vision, eye strain, impaired performance when taking part in daily activities, and overall decreased quality of life. If you are experiencing symptoms associated with a refractive error, contact Anh Nguyen Ophthalmology today for a consultation.

Can people with refractive errors still see?

Yes, people with refractive errors can still see, but their vision is typically blurred or distorted. The severity of the visual impairment depends on the type and degree of the refractive error. While mild refraction may only cause slight blurriness, more severe errors can lead to more pronounced vision issues.

How common is a refractive error?

Refractive errors are the most common type of vision problem in the US today. In fact, more than 150 million Americans have a refractive error, though many don’t know that they could be enjoying clearer vision. This is why regular eye exams are so important!

What is the biggest cause of refraction problems?

The biggest causes of refraction problems include an eyeball that has grown too long or too short, issues with the cornea's shape, and lens aging. These factors affect how light is bent and focused on the retina, leading to various types of refractive errors.

Does refraction change as you age?

Yes, refractive errors can change as you age. They generally develop as you age due to changes in the shape of the cornea, lens, or entire eye. Regular eye exams can help to diagnose eye issues early on and monitor changes in your vision.

Are headaches common after retinal surgery?

No. If you experience headaches or severe pain after retinal surgery, you should contact your surgeon as soon as possible.

Are you awake for retinal surgery?

Yes. Retinal surgery is typically performed using a local anesthetic. Youll be relaxed and comfortable during surgery with few postoperative side effects.

Can a regular eye exam detect retinal problems?

Sometimes. Your ophthalmologist will need to perform additional specialized tests to diagnose any retinal problems.

Can the retina heal itself?

No. A retinal problem, such as retinal detachment or a retinal tear, will not heal on its own. Its important to see your ophthalmologist as soon as possible for the best chance of maintaining healthy vision.

Can you drive immediately after retinal tear surgery?

No. You should plan to have a close friend or family member take you home after surgery. Depending on any prescription medications given by your ophthalmologist, you can resume driving the next day.

Can you watch TV after retinal detachment surgery?

Yes. Your vision may be blurry after surgery, but you can resume reading or watching TV while you recover.

Does cataract surgery increase risk of detached retina?

Rarely. Cataract surgery could increase the risk of retinal detachment in the past, but it has become much less likely when using modern surgical techniques.

Can retinal detachment cause blindness?

Yes. If a significant portion of the retina detaches, it can cause permanent vision loss. This means that it requires prompt treatment.

Can retinal detachment happen suddenly?

Yes. Retinal detachment can happen over time or suddenly. Some risk factors for this include a family history of retinal detachment, eye trauma, a history of eye surgery, age, or nearsightedness.

Are there tests for retinal detachment?

Yes. Your ophthalmologist can test for retina detachment using a dilated eye exam and diagnostic machines designed to assess the retina.

What is the EVO Visian ICL Lens?

EVO Visian ICL is an implantable collamer lens that corrects refractive vision problems like nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism. This lens is implanted into the eye without having to reshape or remove the corneal tissue. More than 1 million EVO Visian ICL lenses have been implanted around the world.

What are the Benefits of EVO Visian ICL?

One of the main benefits of EVO Visian ICL is that patients no longer have to be dependent on eyeglasses or contact lenses. Other advantages of this lens are sharper vision, improved night vision, protection from UV rays, and a quick procedure with minimal recovery since the corneal tissue is not removed. Additionally, EVO Visian ICL does not cause dry eye syndrome and can be removed by your doctor, although most patients will keep their ICL for many years.

Who is a Candidate for Vision Correction with EVO Visian ICL?

Men and women between the ages of 21-45 who have had a stable prescription for the last year and no history of glaucoma, iritis, or diabetic eye disease are the best candidates for EVO Visian ICL. This ICL can treat moderate to severe nearsightedness, with or without an astigmatism.

How is the EVO Visian ICL Lens Procedure Performed?

The EVO Visian ICL procedure is an outpatient treatment performed under a mild sedative and anesthetic eye drops. It typically takes 20 to 30 minutes for both eyes. A tiny incision will be made in the eye and then the ICL is implanted behind the iris (the colored part of the lens).

Can the EVO Visian ICL Lens be Removed?

The EVO Visian ICL lens can be removed, although it is intended for permanent vision correction.

Will I be able to feel the EVO Visian ICL Lens?

Once the ICL lens is placed, patients will not feel it since it does not touch the internal structures of the eye.

Will other people be able to see the EVO Visian ICL Lens?

The Visian EVO lens is placed behind your iris where it cannot be seen by anyone except your eye doctor at an eye examination.

Are there any risks with the EVO Visian ICL Procedure?

Any medical procedure has potential risks, although the potential complications of the EVO ICL procedure are rare. Some of these possible risks include inflammation, increased eye pressure, or the need for an ICL exchange to replace the lens.

Can EVO ICL change eye color?

No, EVO ICLs will not change the color of the eyes. It is designed to sit behind the iris and in front of the natural lens to correct vision.

Can EVO ICL correct astigmatism?

Yes, EVO ICL can correct astigmatism. It is also clinically proven to correct other vision problems, such as myopia.

Can you get EVO ICL after Lasik?

Yes, you can get EVO ICL following LASIK. This is sometimes done if LASIK does not fully correct vision or if additional vision correction is needed at a later time.

Should I avoid exercise immediately after EVO ICL surgery?

Yes, generally, it is advised to avoid exercise immediately after EVO ICL surgery. Physical activities or movements with the potential for eye contact should be avoided to minimize the risk of complications.

Do the rigid gas permeable lenses hurt?

The lenses can be uncomfortable initially as they are made up of a hard plastic. However, after about a week of wear, your eyes will adjust to them. Using a gel or artificial tear drop before insertion can help improve comfort.

How long does it take ortho-k lenses to work?

It takes about one week of wear for low to moderate prescriptions and about two to three weeks for higher prescriptions. If you stop wearing the lenses every night, your eyesight will return back to baseline. Some patients may need to wear a soft contact lens temporarily during the day for the first week or two to ensure vision is not myopic.

Is ortho-k permanent?

No, much like a retainer, it only works for as long as you continue treatment. If you stop wearing the lenses, your eyes will return to baseline in about 72 hours. This is a great option for kids who are not Lasik candidates to keep their prescription stable until they are at an eligible age for Lasik.

Are there any risks to using an ortho-k lens?

The risk of ortho-k lenses is similar to any contact lens. However, it has a lower infection rate in comparison to soft contact lenses. It is a highly effective, non-invasive, non-surgical, and reversible method to halt the progression of myopia.

What are the downsides of orthokeratology?

While ortho-k is associated with many benefits, it also has some downsides. As with any contact lenses, there is the risk of infection. This is more common in children and teens who are less likely to maintain good contact lens hygiene, so it is important to follow the doctor's instructions on how to put in and take out the lenses.

Can you wear Ortho-K for 12 hours?

Generally, ortho-k lenses can be worn anywhere from 6-12 hours at night to reshape the front surface of the eye.

Is ortho-k cheaper than LASIK?

Yes, the cost of ortho-k is often less than that of LASIK. However, be sure to consult with your ophthalmologist regarding pricing.

Do you have to wear Ortho-K for the rest of your life?

No, ortho-k lenses are typically worn from adolescence until the mid-20s. However, they can be worn at any age.

Can you sleep with Ortho-K lenses?

Yes, you actually should sleep with your ortho-k lenses in your eyes every night in order to get the full effect of reshaping the cornea.

What happens if you dont wear Ortho-K for one day?

If an individual does not wear their ortho-k lenses for one night, their vision may be blurry for the next day. If one were to stop wearing their lenses at night altogether, their eyes would eventually go back to their original shape and their refractive error would return.

What happens if you wear ortho-k for too long?

If ortho-k lenses are worn for too long, dry eye symptoms may develop due to long-term use of ortho-k lenses. Because of this, extended day wear is not recommended.

Why are my eyes blurry after wearing ortho-k?

Blurred vision during the first week of wearing ortho-k lenses may occur. If this blurry vision does not resolve within 2 weeks, it is recommended that you take note of any changes in your vision and report to your ophthalmologist.

What is the most common complication of orthokeratology?

As with any form of contact lenses, ortho-k can cause some possible complications. These may include induced astigmatism, a scratch on the cornea, and possibly an eye infection. You should watch out for the signs that your doctor discusses with you at your appointment.

What prescription is too high for ortho-k?

Generally, ortho-k can correct upwards of -6.00 diopters (D) of myopia. If you are interested in discussing ortho-k as an option for you, please contact Anh Nguyen Ophthalmology today.

What are the long term side effects of orthokeratology?

Long-term side effects of orthokeratology are generally minimal when proper care and follow-up are maintained. However, potential risks include corneal thinning, changes in corneal curvature, and in rare cases, corneal scarring or infection.

What are the contraindications for orthokeratology?

Contraindications for orthokeratology include inflammatory eye diseases (like conjunctivitis, uveitis, and keratitis), corneal dystrophies, keratoconus, significant corneal changes after trauma, progressive glaucoma, and cataracts. Additionally, patients with active anterior segment pathology (conditions that affect the front third of the eye) should not use ortho-K lenses.

Who cannot use ortho-k lenses?

Ortho-K lenses are not suitable for individuals with keratoconus, corneal dystrophies, or active anterior segment pathology. They are also not recommended for those with severe dry eyes or high degrees of astigmatism. It does not work for individuals who are hyperopic (farsighted) and it may not work as well for adults.

What is the success rate of ortho-k lenses?

The success rate of ortho-K lenses varies, but studies have shown significant improvements in visual acuity for many patients. Factors influencing success include myopia time, diopter, corneal curvature, and corneal endothelium density.

Why do my ortho-k lenses hurt so much?

If your ortho-K lenses are causing significant discomfort, it may be due to improper fit, lens binding, or corneal irritation. It's important to consult your eye care professional immediately, as discomfort should subside within a few days of starting treatment.

When should I worry about eye floaters and flashes?

Most of the time, you dont have to worry about floaters in your vision. However, if you notice a sudden increase in the number of floaters or start to see flashes of light, you should see an ophthalmologist as soon as possible.

What does it mean when you see flashes and floaters?

Floaters are normal occurrences with people who have healthy eyes. They are caused by strands of proteins in the jelly of the eye( the “vitreous humor”) that have detached from the back of your eye and begin floating around. Floaters are not a serious condition by themselves but could be the sign of something more serious.

What is the most common cause of flashes and floaters?

The most common cause of floaters is vitreous detachment, which itself is not a serious condition, but could be the sign of something more serious.

How do you get rid of floaters and flashes in your eyes?

Floaters typically go away on their own after some time. Activities such as staring at a screen for prolonged periods of time can increase the likelihood of floaters.

Do flashes always mean retinal detachment?

Flashes in your vision may or may not be caused by retinal or vitreous detachment, as some flashes are caused by sudden exposure to bright lights or head trauma. If you notice prolonged eye flashes, especially those outside your peripheral (side) vision, it is best to be evaluated by a doctor.

Can stress cause eye floaters?

Stress may have a small part to play in the frequency of eye floaters affecting your vision, but it is likely not the only cause.

What does it mean when you see flashes of light?

Flashes can appear for a number of reasons, external or internal. Eye flashes are known to be caused by head trauma, changes in the internal structure of the affected eye, and can be signs of serious eye conditions such as retinal detachment. If you begin to notice flashes, you should schedule an appointment with an eye doctor right away.

How can I reduce eye floaters and flashes naturally?

Theres no way to speed up how quickly your body breaks down the strands of protein that cause eye floaters, but if youre experiencing frequent eye flashes with an unidentified cause, it could be a sign of something an eye doctor should take a look at.

How long after you see flashes and floaters does the retina tear occur?

If you are seeing flashes or floaters, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. The risk of a retinal tear is the highest during the first 4-6 weeks after symptoms begin. Retinal tears should be diagnosed promptly, as they can cause blindness if left untreated.

How do you get rid of floaters?

The two most common solutions for eye floaters are surgery or laser treatment. These procedures each have their own pros and cons and should be discussed with a skilled surgeon. However, many people find that their eye floaters are not bothersome, or their floaters fade on their own over time.

Can diabetes cause flashing in the eyes?

In the early stages of a condition called “diabetic retinopathy”, there may be no symptoms. However, as the disease progresses, seeing flashes may occur as a symptom.

Can floaters go away?

Yes, floaters can become less visible as time passes. However, this may vary from patient to patient.

What do floaters look like?

Floaters can appear in many forms, such as lines, circles, dots, clouds, or cobweb-like shapes.

What should you avoid if you have macular degeneration?

Avoid foods high in fat such as dairy, red meat, and fried foods. If you smoke, you should also try to quit since this can be a risk factor.

Can you have wet and dry macular degeneration in the same eye?

Yes, this is possible, but wet macular degeneration is less common.

How long can you keep your sight with macular degeneration?

The rate of macular degeneration varies among patients, but dry macular degeneration will progress slower than wet macular degeneration.

Can anything slow down macular degeneration?

Taking vitamins, stopping smoking and scheduling regular eye exams with your doctor can help slow the progression of macular degeneration.

Does everyone with macular degeneration go blind?

Although macular degeneration can cause significant vision loss, it is rare that people go blind from it.

Can you drive with macular degeneration?

It is possible that you will still be able to drive, especially during the early stages of macular degeneration. Some patients will find it easier to drive during the day than at night.

What are early warning signs of macular degeneration?

Early warning signs include visual distortions, reduced central vision, the need for more light when doing work up-close, a blind spot in your vision, colors appearing duller, and difficulty recognizing faces.

Can glasses help macular degeneration?

Although glasses will not directly cure macular degeneration, they can improve symptoms by helping you see clearer.

What are the stages of macular degeneration?

During the first stage, a buildup of fatty proteins called drusen will occur in the retina. Vision loss will not begin until the second, or intermediate stage. During this intermediate stage, large drusen will begin to form and mild vision loss may begin. Late stage macular degeneration will be diagnosed as dry or wet and involves vision loss.

What is the newest treatment for macular degeneration?

The FDA has recently approved an injectable eye medication called Vabysmo which will require less frequent injections to improve vision.

Can macular degeneration cause me to go blind?

Macular degeneration is a serious vision condition that can cause blindness. Early diagnosis and treatment is the best way to prevent significant vision loss.

Can macular degeneration be treated?

Yes. Treatments for macular degeneration should be administered by an ophthalmologist.

What worsens macular degeneration?

Risk factors for AMD include being 50 and older, smoking, having high blood pressure, and eating a diet high in saturated fat. Although there is no cure for AMD, there are treatment options that may prevent or slow the progression of the disease.

What are the best glasses for AMD?

Certain eyeglass features may be beneficial for people with AMD. These include sunglasses, to help with light sensitivity, yellow-tinted lenses for poor contract sensitivity, and anti-glare coatings for glare sensitivity.

Does genetics cause AMD?

Genetics is a significant factor in an individual’s risk of AMD. In fact, there have been 30 genes found to be associated with the risk of developing AMD. For now, the best way to lower your chance of developing AMD is to get regular eye exams with an ophthalmologist, eat well, and quit smoking.

Who is at risk for AMD?

Individuals who are 60 years and older, smokers, Caucasians, and people with a family history of AMD may have a higher risk of developing AMD during their lifetimes.

What vitamins can be beneficial for AMD?

Vitamins may help some people with AMD keep their vision for longer. These include Vitamins C and E, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Zinc, and Copper.

How often do I need treatment for wet AMD?

Treatment frequency for wet AMD depends on the specific therapy and individual needs. The most common treatment involves anti-VEGF injections, which help prevent abnormal blood vessel growth in the retina. Initially, these injections may be needed every 4 to 6 weeks. Over time, and depending on how well the disease responds, the interval between treatments may be extended. Your ophthalmologist will determine the best schedule based on the progression of your condition and how your eyes respond to therapy.

How does dry AMD differ from wet AMD in terms of treatment?

Dry AMD and wet AMD require distinct treatment approaches. Dry AMD, which progresses more slowly, often focuses on lifestyle modifications and the use of AREDS (Age-Related Eye Disease Study) supplements containing vitamins C, E, zinc, copper, and lutein to slow progression. In contrast, wet AMD develops more rapidly and requires more active treatment, such as anti-VEGF injections, to address the abnormal blood vessels and reduce fluid buildup in the retina.

Is there a specific age group most affected by macular degeneration?

Macular degeneration primarily affects individuals aged 50 and older, with the risk increasing significantly as people age. While it is rare in younger individuals, the condition becomes more prevalent in those over 65. AMD is one of the leading causes of vision loss in older adults. Although age is the primary risk factor, genetic predisposition, smoking, and lifestyle factors can also contribute to its development. Regular eye exams are crucial for early detection, particularly for individuals in higher-risk age groups.

What lifestyle changes can help manage macular degeneration?

Managing macular degeneration (AMD) often involves adopting healthier lifestyle habits: Quitting smoking is one of the most critical changes, as smoking significantly increases the risk of macular degeneration progression. Regular exercise can improve overall blood flow, including to the eyes, which supports retinal health. Protecting your eyes from excessive sunlight by wearing UV-blocking sunglasses is also recommended. Maintaining a healthy weight and managing conditions like hypertension and diabetes are essential, as these can exacerbate eye health issues. Additionally, consuming a diet rich in leafy greens, colorful fruits, fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, and foods containing antioxidants can support eye health.

How long does EVO ICL last?

EVO ICL lenses are designed to last a lifetime. However, if your vision changes significantly, EVO ICLs can be removed and exchanged for a new one.

How much does EVO ICL cost?

The cost of EVO ICL may vary depending on various factors. For more information regarding pricing, please get in touch with our practice today.

Is EVO ICL better than LASIK?

Whether EVO ICL or LASIK is better for you depends on specific factors. EVO ICL surgery may be a great option for those who are not ideal candidates for or do not wish to undergo LASIK surgery. To discuss your options, please get in touch with our office today to schedule a consultation.

Are there risks associated with EVO ICL?

Every medical procedure has some risks associated with it. Though very rare, some possible risks associated with EVO ICL surgery include inflammation, increase in eye pressure, and quicker formation of cataracts.

How much does laser treatment for vitreous floaters cost?

The cost of LFT varies based on different factors. For detailed pricing information, please contact Anh Nguyen Ophthalmology today to schedule a consultation.

Does Laser floater treatments work for all floaters?

Certain types of posterior vitreous floaters cannot be safely treated with LFT. These are floaters located too close to the retina or lens. In these cases, surgery may be required.

What are the side effects of YAG Laser Vitreolysis?

Following LFT, patients may see small specks or spots within their vision. This is caused by gas bubbles that will quickly resolve on their own. A minority of patients may experience mild discomfort, eye redness, or temporary blurry vision. Although rare, certain side effects or complications, such as retinal tears, retinal detachment, intraocular pressure spikes, or cataracts, may occur. For a full overview of possible side effects, please schedule a consultation with one of our eye care specialists.

Is laser vitreolysis FDA-approved?

Yes, laser vitreolysis is FDA-approved for treating symptomatic vitreous floaters. The FDA has approved devices and technologies for this procedure, which uses a YAG laser to vaporize or break apart floaters in the eye.

What is blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to improve the appearance of the eyelids. It can be performed on the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both. The surgery is often done for cosmetic reasons, but it can also address functional issues such as vision impairment caused by excess skin on the upper eyelid. The procedure removes or repositions excess skin, muscle, and sometimes fat to create a rejuvenated appearance and improve eyelid function.

Who is a candidate for blepharoplasty?

Ideal candidates for blepharoplasty are individuals in good health without serious eye conditions. Common reasons for seeking the procedure include droopy eyelids, bags under the eyes, or excess skin obstructing vision. Patients should have realistic expectations and be non-smokers, as smoking can impede healing. For more information regarding candidacy, please contact our practice today to schedule a consultation.

What does the blepharoplasty procedure involve?

During blepharoplasty, the surgeon makes incisions in natural folds or on the inside of the eyelid to minimize visible scarring. The excess tissue is removed or repositioned, and the incisions are carefully closed. Upper blepharoplasty can be performed in our in-office surgery suite under local anesthesia. Additionally, both upper and lower blepharoplasty can be performed under local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia, depending on the complexity and patient preference.

What are the risks or complications associated with blepharoplasty?

Like any surgery, blepharoplasty has potential risks, including infection, scarring, dry or irritated eyes, temporary blurred vision, and asymmetry. Rarely, more serious complications like difficulty closing the eyes or loss of vision can occur. Discussing these risks with a skilled surgeon is crucial.

What is recovery like after blepharoplasty?

Recovery from blepharoplasty typically involves mild swelling and bruising for the first two weeks. Most people return to work within 7 to 10 days and resume full activities after a few weeks. Following post-operative care instructions, such as using prescribed ointments and avoiding strenuous activities, aids in healing.

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